Edge of eternity
Edge of eternity

edge of eternity

At the same time while attractive, Selene's model is not at all vulgar like it often happens in Japanese or Western games - the art designer achieved right balance here. Selene's 3d model is without a doubt my favorite – her breasts animation is mesmerizing. The main characters’ art design is mostly good – at least female characters are beautiful and quite different. The world is weirdly beautiful and the lighting system is very good, making the world shine in its best.

edge of eternity

World’s art design is wonderful, reminding of a fairy-tale (though sometimes it is very dark, like a horror). The dialogues might not be on the high literature level, but they are ok - sometimes silly, but most of the time relevant and meaningful (at least in the main story). The latter includes characters movements, physical and magical attacks, as well as opponents strengths and weaknesses against some attacks. Among the positive sides of the 'Edge of Eternity' I'd mention involving story – for our days it is a rare exemplar of a story-driven RPG featuring complex characters with very different motivations and addictive turn-based combat system. Considering that 'Septerra Core' is in top-five games of all times in my list it was not a chance that I could resist to 'Edge of Eternity' charm. The same 'anime aesthetics' made by Western developer, the same involving story, simultaneously dark and light, the same interesting characters and involving turn-based system, though not such as complex and original. In many aspects 'Edge of Eternity' is a spiritual successor of 'Septerra Core'. That brilliant game featured anime-like characters and complex and original turn-based combat system that combined physical attacks with magical “cards” with various combinations.

edge of eternity

That Gamers with a good memory and wide experience might remember 'Septerra Core', the so-called 'JRPG' made by US based Valkyrie Studios. Gamers with a good memory and wide experience might remember 'Septerra Core', the so-called 'JRPG' made by US based Valkyrie Studios. This is definitely one of the best jrpg games I've played in my life. You can beat it in 30-50 hours, but I've currently played for 190 hours. Overall, this game has a lot of depth and replay value. Some of the characters are all-time favorites for me now. I was barely holding back tears at one point. A lot of it is quite funny, but there are serious aspects as well. It's so rare to come across a really well done story. The story is very engaging, I was surprised at the high quality of story writing and voice acting. Really great music, some of it by well-known composer Yasunori Mitsuda. Lots of customization potential, and several combat difficulty levels to chose from.

Edge of eternity upgrade#

The crystal system to upgrade your skills and stats is unique, and sort of a mix between the FF13-2 upgrade tree and FF7 materia. I usually stay far away from puzzles, but the puzzles in this game (almost all optional) are actually really fun. There is an in-depth gathering/crafting system and a lot of sidequests, some of which have a story attached to them. The combat is turn-based and uses enemy weaknesses, a grid system, and items on the map to help you or hurt you in battle. It's an indie development, so it's not as polished as a AAA title, but it's a really good investment for the price, taking me more time to complete just the first few chapters than it took to completely beat FF7 remake. It feels like a game made by a top publisher, rivaling many of the well known long-running jrpg series, even though it was mostly made by a team of nine people. Graphics, story, and gameplay are much better than most jrpg games. It feels like a game made by a top This game really blew me away.

Edge of eternity